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Benear, S.L., Popal, H.S., Zheng, Y., Tanriverdi, B., Murty, V.P., Perlman, S.B., … Newcombe, N. (2023). Setting boundaries: Development of neural and behavioral event cognition in early childhood. Developmental Science, 26 (6). https://doi.org/10.1111/desc.13409 [PDF]

Olson, I.R., Hoffman, L.J., Jobson, K.R., Popal, H.S., Wang, Y. (2023) Little brain, little minds: The big role of the cerebellum in social development. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 60. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dcn.2023.101238 [PDF]

Jobson, K.R., Hoffman, L.J., Metoki, A., Popal, H., Dick, A.S., Reilly, J., Olson, I.R. (2022). Language and the cerebellum: structural connectivity to the eloquent brain. Neurobiology of Language, 1-24. https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.04.19.488812 [PDF]

Frazier, M., Hoffman, L.J., Popal, H., Sullivan-Toole, H., Olino, T., Olson, I. (2022). A missing link in affect regulation: The cerebellum. Social Cognitive Affective Neuroscience. https://doi.org/10.1093/scan/nsac042 [PDF]

O’Shea, I.M., Popal, H., Olson, I.R., Murty, V.P., & Smith, D.V. (2022). Distinct alterations in cerebellar connectivity with substantia nigra and ventral tegmental area in Parkinson’s disease. Scientific Reports, 12(3289). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-07020-x [PDF]

Ngo, C.T., Benear, S.L., Popal, H., Olson, I., & Newcombe, N.S. (2021). Contingency of Semantic Generalization on Episodic Specificity: Variations Across Development. Current Biology, 13(12), 2690-2697. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2021.03.088 [PDF]

Popal, H., Quimby, M., Hochberg, D., Dickerson, B., & Collins, J. (2020). Altered functional connectivity of cortical networks in semantic variant Primary Progressive Aphasia. NeuroImage: Clinical, 28, 102494. https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.04.13.039909 [PDF]

Wang, Y., Metoki, A., Smith, D.V., Medaglia, J.D., Zang, Y., Benear, S., Popal, H., Lin, Y., & Olson, I.R. (2020) Multimodal mapping of the face connectome. Nature Human Behaviour 4, 397–411. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41562-019-0811-3 [PDF]

Popal, H.S., Wang, Y, Olson, I.R. (2019). Social neuroscience applications of representational similarity analysis. Social Cognitive Affective Neuroscience, 14(11), 1243-1253. https://doi.org/10.1093/scan/nsz099 [PDF]

Ramot, M., Kimmich, S., Gonzalez-Castillo, J., Roopchansingh, V., Popal, H., White, E., … Martin, A. (2017). Direct modulation of aberrant brain network connectivity through real-time NeuroFeedback. ELife, 6, 1–23. https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.28974 [PDF]

Kraper, C. K., Kenworthy, L., Popal, H., Martin, A., & Wallace, G. L. (2017). The gap between adaptive behavior and intelligence in autism persists into young adulthood and is linked to psychiatric co-morbidities. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 47(10), 3007–3017. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10803-017-3213-2 [PDF]

White, E. I., Wallace, G. L., Bascom, J., Armour, A. C., Register-Brown, K., Popal, H. S., … Kenworthy, L. (2017). Sex differences in parent-reported executive functioning and adaptive behavior in children and young adults with autism spectrum disorder. Autism Research, 10(10), 1653–1662. https://doi.org/10.1002/aur.1811 [PDF]

Wallace, G. L., Kenworthy, L., Pugliese, C. E., Popal, H.S., White, E. I., Brodsky, E., & Martin, A. (2015). Real-World Executive Functions in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Profiles of Impairment and Associations with Adaptive Functioning and Co-morbid Anxiety and Depression. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10803-015-2655-7 [PDF]

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